I was talking to one of the bridesmaids at Andrea & Tyler’s wedding and she said something that I think sums up Andrea & Tyler so well. When Tyler looks at Andrea, his face just lights up. You can see how much he adores her and how happy he makes her. To me, that is what a wedding day is all about. Choosing each other out of every person in the world. To cherish, to love and to make a life with. There is no doubt in my mind that Tyler & Andrea were made for each other and that they’ll spend their lives adoring each other. And when you know that, documenting the first day of the rest of two people’s lives together is an honor I can’t express.
Andrea & Tyler’s wedding day was about their marriage. About committing their lives to one another and celebrating such a happy day with their closest friends and family. I think you can see that clearly throughout their day.
And for more fun moments and to tag yourself in these photos, visit our Facebook page!
Andrea has such sweet friends.
And the boys were pretty cool themselves :)
I love this moment right before Andrea walked down the aisle. Anticipation and deep breaths :)
Tyler walking his parents into the ceremony and Andrea & her dad having a little laugh right before they walk down the aisle :)
Nothing beats this moment on a wedding day.
Their ceremony was so heartfelt.
They were pretty excited to be married :)
They win the award for the best first dance, father daughter dance & mother son dance. So much love in that room.
Nashville wedding photographer, Kristyn Hogan, documents the spirited, fresh, timeless story of weddings in Nashville and destinations worldwide.
You find the beauty in everything you photograph :) Love the moments you’ve captured once again.