On May 25, 2007, I walked down the aisle with sand between my toes and told the man I loved that, with joy, I would commit my life to being his wife. I have known this man, my husband, since I was 13 years old and today, I cannot remember a life without him. I believe that God has many purposes for me on this earth and one of the greatest is being my husband’s wife. Loving, encouraging, serving and trusting him. Being his biggest fan. Laughing at his jokes. Caring for his heart and his dreams. Walking with him. These are privileges I was granted on May 25, 2007. On that day I had no idea how to be a wife but I promised to learn and today I am still learning. I am learning every day how to better respect, love, honor and cherish this man that God has given to me. I will be the first to admit that I am far from perfect in those aspects. But I know that my role as a wife leads me into closer communion with my God as He teaches me and equips me for this journey He has set me on.
I consider the photos of my wedding day the beginning of that journey. Dating, of course, was a journey, but on our wedding day we vowed a new kind of love. A love that surpasses our own strength, knowledge, will and desires. And these photos capture the anticipation of that.
We were married in front of 29 of our closest friends & family at The Royal Sands in Mexico. We spent the week leading up to the wedding vacationing with every one and it was such an amazing week. It was relaxed and real and such a blessing. I would do it again in a heartbeat. The gorgeous photos are from the fabulously talented Joe Dickie.
Yes, my bridesmaids danced down the stairs/aisle, to this song….they’re awesome :) And the husband walked down the aisle to “Simply the Best” (yes, I gave him a choice, he could choose whatever he wanted, & of course he chose Tina Turner) And then they walked down to this amazing song by Duncan Sheik, that still makes me cry.
I thought it was so fun that all the sunbathers stopped what they were doing and watched us get married. I think we really had about 300 people at our wedding instead of 29 :)
Matt’s pastor from back home, Travis, married us. Matt & I wrote our ceremony together, said personal vows, did an Irish handfasting (in honor of the Hogan Irish roots) and even had the best man, Matt’s best friend, give him a little personal plea before we sealed the deal :) I loved that the ceremony was ours. We didn’t say anything just to say it or because every one else says it at a wedding. We were making a very personal commitment to love and serve one another as God loves and serves us. And of course, to lay out the ground rules for what game we would be watching in our home if the Packers & Steelers were both on at the same time on different channels. In all fairness, I did tell him he could watch as much of the Steelers as he wants during the commercials :) Compromise is a very important lesson for a successful marriage :)
I love being a wedding photographer. Capturing all the moments when family is together and happy. At my wedding, when my parents got up to thank every one for coming, this moment happened. It’s a photo I will cherish forever. And of course, no beach wedding is complete without sombreros and jumping in the pool at the end of the night! :)
And I’ll end with this photo, of what love feels like to me. May your wedding day fill you with as much love and beautiful memories as mine did for me.
Nashville wedding photographer, Kristyn Hogan, photographs the stories of beautiful people in Nashville, Iowa and around the world.
Happy Anniversary! Congrats Kristyn – you kids are so cute together.
I love your wedding recap! It was fun to hear you tell your story through the eyes of both the bride and a wedding photographer. I super enjoyed it!
Happy Anniversary Matt & Kristyn. I re-live this day over and over again in my heart. God truly blessed our family when the two of you got married. Oh, and thank you for making me cry with this post :) Happy “Love” day.
Happy Anniversary! I love that the guests all wore matching color attire. :)
Happy Anniversary! What beautiful photos – thanks for sharing!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, my dear dear friend!!!!!
oh kristyn, stop writing stuff that makes me cry.
happy Anniversary! One day, we will have to share our wedding pics, but they are etched in stone.
Wow, thanks for the memories. You may not be perfect, Kristyn, but you are the perfect wife for Matt. I am truly blessed to be your father-in-law, and to be Matt’s father. You two are always in my prayers. I love you two.
It was truly and honor to be at your wedding. I love revisiting those memories. It was a spectacular week to spend with everyone. I am so glad that we both had the chance to witness each others weddings. All the blessings for a continued happy, exciting, and fun marriage. Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary Kristyn! You were a beautiful bride.
What a beautiful message – it made Grandma cry! I am so glad I was with you in Cancun for a week I will always cherish.
Love you both, Grandma
Dear Sweet Kristyn~
What a beautiful testimony to the sacred bond of marriage. Your words and intention to be the best wife you can be is extremely inspiring to me. You and Matt are one very special couple and we were so blessed to have you for Kylie’s wedding photographers. I will always treasure our special time together as Kylie was getting ready and you were taking “special” pictures of her. Loved the “girl talk” and knowing the common bond you and Kylie share. I wish you lived closer…you are a delight to be around! May God continue to bless you and Matt in your career/vocation. May you continue to bless others with the love of Christ which is SO EVIDENT in your life! You exude peace, love and hope for all that is good…LOVE, LOVE, LOVE YOU!!! May God continue to equip you with His grace, power and direction as you and Matt continue to grow in God’s love. May you continue to be open to the ways God wants to use you…you are profoundly gifted! All my love, MB…and more love from ALL the Helgens and Algers! XOXO